Empowering employment by improving
retention and productivity

West Michigan ERN - WMERN (Kent - Christie)

Founded: 2012

1373% Employer ROI


987 Delivered Case Needs


292 Unique Employees Served


6.6% Employee Utilization


Source: 2023 ERN USA Annual KPI Report



Onsite Success Coaching

The core of the ERN model is onsite confidential Success Coaching that employees can access on a predictable, ongoing basis - no more wasted hours in social services offices. Success Coaches offer direct connection to community resources for any challenges they are facing at work or at home. Employees who face a crisis from lack of resources can get immediate, personal relief at the workplace. Training and advanced education for work-based skills or life skills can be focused goals along with barrier reduction. Services are available to all ERN member employees. Success Coaches accommodate all shifts with off-site locations and alternate meeting times available upon request.

Hardship Loan & Savings Program

Partner: AAC Credit Union

Purpose: The Bridge Loan provides a financial resource for the Success Coach and clients, allowing the coach to connect clients to fair and reputable lending. These loans help clients overcome financial burdens that may be negatively impacting their life including auto repairs, credit repair, payday lending traps, appliance purchases, debt, and family emergencies. It is offered as a last resort for employees facing a financial emergency.

Savings Component: The loan includes a savings component which requires a $10 per week deposit into a savings account. The savings commitment is added to the loan repayment amount, which is placed into a savings account that does not allow withdrawals until the loan is paid in full. At the end of the payment plan, the client will accumulate over $520 in savings. Upon pay-off, the client is encouraged to continue the habit of savings. This not only teaches the client the importance of saving, but also acts as a safety net for the bank/credit union. If an employee is terminated while in payments, the savings account is released back for the lending institution to cover any unpaid remaining portion of the loan.

Employer Members-Investors

Strategic Partners